XC RUNNING SEASON IS ON!We know Cougar athletes are supported by all kinds of caregivers, friends, relatives, parents, guardians and other trusted adults that show up for them, and we invite you all to join us this season!
For all XC ’25 communication, please download the sportsYou App using the links below, and use access code 68FF-ZFMR to join Service XC Running. This is your best source for updates and information on all things Service XC Running.
Questions? Reach out to Coach Rousey through the sportsYou app, or on cell at 907.355.2174 or email at [email protected]. Support the Team - SIGN UP Today!Please fill out the information below to learn more about volunteering and supporting the runners:
SUPPORT SERVICE XC RUNNING!While the Service XC Running Team no longer has a registered Booster Club, we still need your support! All racer families and friends are encouraged to promote the XC Running Team through efforts such as fund-raising, team activities and initiatives that may include pre-race meals, team program banners and advertising, communication, clinics, filming, travel planning, awards celebrations and race support. We encourage all parents, guardians, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, and adults that care for Cougar XC Running athletes to join us with their enthusiasm and support. Everyone is welcome.
Donations to the Service XC Running Team help pay for spaghetti feed dinners, uniforms, travel costs, senior gifts, coaches' gifts, and other as-needed items to support the team. If you're able, please consider a one-time contribution of $45 per athlete - make cheques payable to Service High School and indicate on the memo line XC Running Team. Questions about donating? Reach out on the sportsYou App.
There are 8 meets this season, including Regions. You can find the most current meet schedule here. Adult help is vital to the success of the team! Parents, guardians, family and all caring adults are encouraged to cheer ALL runners at races and attend the race award ceremonies afterwards. Please consider volunteering for any race - it's fun! Volunteers arrive at the race venue before the team arrives (2 hours before meet start time) to make sure the tent, drinks, and snacks are ready for the team, especially on really hot and cold, gray days. Learn more about how you can help below, and sign up today! Tents/Tables
It's Alaska . . . . At some of the locations, the tent is the only place the team has to get out of the rain. Each meet needs a tent, table and two coolers (provided by the Spaghetti Feed Host Family) set up from the start of the event. The kids can set them up and take them down, but we need adults to commit to getting these items to the meets. Families can volunteer for the first half/second half or full season. For your convenience, the family may store the tents and tables during the week so that they do not need to go out to the school to pick them up prior to each meet. Pick-up truck or large SUV recommended. Snacks at Races
This always receives a warm welcome from runners at a day of racing! Volunteer snack providers are needed for each race - the more the merrier! Please bring enough individually wrapped healthy snacks for 60-75 runners. To avoid the spread of germs, we ask that you avoid shared finger foods - some ideal snacks to fuel the runners (both before and after they race) are individual chocolate milks, quartered bagels, halved or full bananas, apple or orange slices, or other fruit, protein bars, muffins, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, healthy snack bars, and 5-gallon pourable jugs of water for refilling - they go through a lot! Your runner can bring the snacks on the bus to the race or you can bring them and put them under one of our running tents that will be set up near the race course; keeping the table filled throughout the day so all runners have access after their race is appreciated. Unused snacks can often be saved for upcoming meets, so please consider contributing whenever you can. ALLERGY ALERT: Do to life threatening allergies, please do not bring open containers of peanut-based products as they may cross-contaminate with other snacks. Pre-Race Spaghetti Dinners
Spaghetti dinners are held the night before races. Adult volunteers are encouraged to sign up for these fun evenings. The dinner should end by 10 PM. You can expect up to 60 athletes but don't be scared away! It works really smoothly - you can even team up with other neighborhood families to host a spaghetti dinner together. You can choose to donate the cost of the feed (about $100) or the Team will provide the ingredients. Find more details about hosting a spaghetti dinner here. Spaghetti Dinner Shopper
Shop for food and arrange to get it to the hosts each week. Race Helpers
Volunteers are needed for our host race (the Quad 3K Meet). No experience is necessary - please sign up at the kick-off informational meeting or reach out on the sportsYou App! Plan to arrive at the race early to receive instructions. Communications Manager
With such a large team, we need adults that can send out emails, make phone calls to other athlete families when needed, manage the our team Signup Genius posts, and update team social media platforms. The Communications Manager is provided with the team roster (including volunteer phone numbers and emails) and will set up a phone tree to get the word out about upcoming events and opportunities. Team Sweatshirt Orders Coordinator Once a “runner-created” design is chosen by the team (like this one!), the Orders Coordinator gets to work! Stick with the current supplier, or get price quotes from other companies, then take the design and place the order. You'll manage the connection with the supplier; we currently use a group order model, where orders are placed and paid for by individuals directly through the supplier's website, and delivered en masse to the team. When orders arrive, the Orders Coordinator will work with team captains to distribute the hoodies during the next available practice. This position starts immediately and ends once the order is received by the runners. Photographs and videos for the website and banquet are appreciated Kids love to see pictures of the races! Volunteers are needed to take photos and videos of runners, which are posted to this website, and used at the End of Season Celebration. Please upload your photos to a sharing platform (like Google Photos), and then send us the link to post the album on our site. End of Season Desserts & Awards Celebration Volunteers
This is the time when we all get together to congratulate our athletes, issue letters and awards and celebrate a great season with great food, a slideshow or video presentation, and more. All families are encouraged to attend this fun evening, and to help make it a celebration to remember. Senior & Coaches' Gifts Coordinator
Help plan and coordinate senior and coaches gifts, to be distributed at the End of Season Celebration. Preferably an adult of a senior athlete. no TIME, no problem!Can't commit your time, but still want to help the Cougars? Donate any amount today - thank you for your support!